The beginning and the end are just the same We return where we were born to the Celestial Spheres To the formless void above which the face of God lingers To the primordial cosmos where no stars shine In principio erat Verbum et Verbum erat apud Deum et Deus erat Verbum God was alone in the nothingness he was also nothing, but A thought - he thought of himself, so he came to be an idea Entwined in itself like the snake that bites its own tail So God became the word and the word was with him There was no time as time stood still An infinity has passed every second Terra autem erat inanis et vacua et tenebrae Super faciem abyssi et spiritus Dei ferebatur super aquas Then God thought of matter and matter came to be He severed the arid land from the sea He painted soil with will to consecrate For belief has power to create Impure matter so constrained and so imperfect Incapable cannot reflect God Frail dimensions insufficient for the pattern That’s why matter and idea had to be torn Separated by a veil not to be penetrated Impervious for mortal eyes Et lux in tenebris lucet et tenebrae eam non conprehenderunt And so it came to pass that God was also split in two The demiurge, or logos and the Primum Movens Sic transit gloria mundi The creation was done parallel The logos created the ideas And the prime mover has done Its best to mirror them Logos: Planting soul seeds Prime Mover: Planting star seeds And then they both watched How their cosmos grew Then God thought of matter and matter came to be He severed the arid land from the sea He painted soil with will to consecrate For belief has power to create