Tom: A - from "The Land of Rape and Honey" Tabbed out by Zephie Standard tuning (maybe...): e]--- B]--- G]--- D]--- A]--- E]--- Symbols: [7] : artificial harmonic Pretty fun song to bang n' jam to, I even threw in chord names for those interested over the lines (I'm not sure about the B5 (I actually don't know what all the chord names are besides Em... ^.^; ), so if someone knows the correct name, email me or the GT people and have them fix it, please). *** Riff A: A5 A5 A5 B5 |-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------| |---7--7--7--9-----------[7]---[9]----| |---7--7--7--9------------------------| |---5--5--5--7------------------------| Riff B: A5 A5 A5 B5 |------------------| |------------------| |------------------| |---7--7--7--9-----| |---7--7--7--9-----| |---5--5--5--7-----| *** This's actually a pretty simple song, with one main riff and two other notes; just use those two riffs over and over again where they're supposed to be and you'll get the timing and arrangement easily enough, with a bit of practice. Now, I can't figure *exactly* what those other two notes are (guitar or samples), so this is the closest I can come up with, two artificial harmonics that might get close to what they are. In any case, the two chords sound about right, soooo... enjoy! =) - Zephie email: *