One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine "there have been spontaneous demonstrations of party workers voicing their gratitude and joy" "there have been spontaneous demonstrations of party workers' Faith collapsing Faith collapsing Yeah, you, come here (what's the meaning of this?) See'mon, come here (what's the meaning of this?) Look. what was i talking about' I told you about it just the other day, didn't i, didn't i? Why can't you do what you're told? Why can you do what you're told, eh? Why can't you? Look at it. Look. did i tell you Haven't you got a head?" Collapsing Collapsing Collapsing Faith collapsing [repeats] "you are the dead. remain exactly where you are. make no move until you are ordered." "what's happening What's happening "the system will eat itself" [repeats] "watch for a man running through the streets. Repeating: calling all citizens Wanted for murder, the criminal is alone and on foot. Let each one stand at his front door, look and listen. Watch for a man running through the streets. Repeating: calling all citizens. Collapsing [repeats]