O holey night With seven Harry's flying The Boy Who Lived Has such friends who care for him Sorry Death Eaters For soon you will be crying The Order's here And your fate is looking grim A flash of red And hooded men approaching Someone's hit In the side of his head I'm falling off my broom And I can't hear out of my left side It all went black as it became The night I lost my ear Oh holey night You ask how I feel And though I should be angry About this wound That has split me from my twin I feel like a saint Oh, Fred, do you get it I am okay Let the ear jokes begin A flash of red And hooded men approaching A Harry's hit In the side of his head I'm falling off my broom And I can't hear out of my left side It all went black as it became The night I lost my ear Oh holey night The night I lost my ear Oh holey night Oh holey night