


Retorical lack of silence
Dripping faces, places and movements
Distortion of what isn’t there

Reflection of moving traces
Fractional vivid language

Waterfall of massless liquid
Reinforce my chaotic present
Flowing through the Lethe stream
Anger, happiness, joy and sadness

Falling upon roses of nether feelings
Thorns around our guardless shape
Resting among silk waves of red

Hour-hand pieces pushing me forward
Not in my back, in my chest
Minute-hand pieces closing my side
Folding my arms, sealing resistance
Second-hand pieces lifting me towards
The unstoppable now perception

“Sed fugit interea fugit irreparabile tempus,
singula dum capti circumvectamur amore.”

Hour-hand pieces pushing me forward
Not in my back, in my chest
Minute-hand pieces closing my side
Folding my arms, sealing resistance
Second-hand pieces lifting me towards
The unstoppable now perception

Causing blur within fragile remains
Those I cannot have more than falsely
But I want them more than this pathway
Ressentment of chosing wrongness
Or maybe want better stuckness

“Stat sua cuique dies,
breve et irreparabile tempos
omnibus est vitae”