Absence of classical roughness Shunning the actual mishap Ah! Cloning misfortunes! Shielding ourselves with dreadplates Trying to find significance That might be never ever found Detaching force and will to excel Just to equal the standard Of artificial meaning in society Fearful face Dramatic mask Fake ungrace To mend our lives Absence of classical roughness Shunning the actual mishap (Underestimate your mind) I can see through your dreadplate! Shielding ourselves with dreadplates Trying to find significance That might be never ever found It won’t be ever found by those underneath this mask! These beings begin to realize how empty their lives are, and in response they've created a system in which everyone’s supposed to wear lies as cloaks to reality, and to pretend to believe each other’s lies. Sadly, in the end these cloaks have become their skin, and silence has prevailed over reason, while they cannot escape anymore from their own deceit. Everyone has been dragged into mass psychosis. Absence of classical roughness Shunning the actual mishap Ah! Cloning misfortunes!