Negation of unexistence Last howl to despise our dusk Attempt to survive our flesh Last chance to defy oblivion Final grasp for the unattainable Forever conscious of dying Giving meaning to our demise To ignore futility of mankind I’ve looked death into her eye Through voids of ignorance and fear To give pleasant meaning to my life Why don’t we just stay alive? Why do we seek for something more? ‘Cause we’re afraid Afraid of dying And not being important at all. Negation of unexistance We won’t let ourselves fall into Omission for we think we have to mean Something to the vast universe We’ve claimed this deathdrawn manifesto Since we have knowledge of time For it is all we’ll ever have. Fought To Remain Even after death Even when everything is lost Fought To Scatter All my thoughts Every one of them And let them live in all of you Let’s clean the sky forever now No god, no purpose, nothing Just actions to live and Actions to justify our lives Let’s clean the sky forever now No god, no purpose, nothing Just atoms in the aether Nothing but blood in heart Negation of unexistence Last howl to despise our dusk Attempt to survive our flesh Last chance to defy oblivion Final grasp for the unattainable Forever conscious of dying Giving meaning to our demise To ignore futility of mankind Why don’t we just stay alive? Why do we seek for something more? ‘Cause we’re afraid Afraid of dying And not being important at all. In denial of unexistence Last howl to shatter darkness