I'm Peter Vanderhoelt, I'm 68 years old My doubts and questions have increased In forty- two years of being a priest I'm at the end of my life I'm not sure if I'm gonna survive I often don't know what to say When I talk to Him, when I pray In reply I receive only silence, no relief I've waited in vain for a little advice From that great voice in the ethereal skies Once I was a revolutionary A devoted mercenary A gifted student in God's hands Now I'm old, and sick of his demands I tried to be honest and good Did my job the best I could But I always stayed that average man Right in the spot where I began During the grief with which I've dealt It's been three decades since I've felt The certainty I so adored About the existence of the Lord (refrein) I've seen enough, that's why I know God left this pleace a long long time ago I've given to my parish Things I don't have myself, but cherish Namely love and charity Mostly purpose, that's what sets you free So I'm where the metaphors Are not comforting anymore I think I'm almost done with my search Got old so fast here in my church It feels as I'm kept out Of some sort of secret about The meaning of life Sometimes I can't fail to notice These are medioere times refrein x2 Time has made me good at one thing And horrible at everything else The blessings of the world divine Were always elsewhere, were never mine OH I would like to hold someone Briefly, maybe have some fun But my body's oddly designed So I'm not really the hugging kind Not once has there been Someone with a softer skin Who reached out for me In the middle of the night Across my old lumpy mattress When I turn on the light I think I've been miscast The time of saints is past My faith is weak, last but not least After forty-two years of being a priest The church is like a woman A thing out of reach, like a vision She glimmers in teh distance To which I could never quite get Now I am left here with my regret refrein x4 It's my portion, it's my cup It's my portion, it's my cup