There is a town called New Orleans and, brother, have you heard that in the year 2005 the First World met the Third The hurricane came o'er the waves Katrina it was called Get in your car, head for the hills, the townspeople were warned And those that didn't own a car or those who were too ill The elderly and poor were left to care of themselves And when Katrina struck, her force killed many thousands dead but this death toll was just the start Soon much more blood would shed Cos if you don't get food you die I guess you all knew that The government it seems did not and on their ass they sat The richest country in the world somehow could not afford to drop some water, medicine, and food for its starving poor But these were niggers, immigrants, and white trash, so it seems So when they took pills, drink, and food from shops that made them thieves Cos Anglo-Saxon Protestants would never, ever steal And so the governor gave the call at lieu to shoot to kill And on TV, we saw brown babes a'screaming in the streets The cripples in their wheelchairs were dying in the heat And so today, six since the flood, I write for you this song I leave you to decide alone what is right and what's wrong