A is for Amazing…it's what I'm about. B is for Beautiful inside and out. C is for Caring, D is for Daring, E is for Extraordinary me F is for Fantastic, Fabulous and Fun, G is for Goodness, I think I've got some. H is for Happiness most of the time I is for Imagination in my mind J is for Jumpin'… jumping for joy. K 's for my Kaleidoscopic world. L is for the Love I feel plenty of, M is for Make-believing me. N is for Nothing like nothing going on O 's the Open mind I gotta have P is for Perfect or trying to be Q is 'cause I Question everything I see. R is for Remember all the things I learn S is for Silly, Sunny me T is for Truthful U is for Useful V is for Vanilla ice cream. W 's for Wonder, which I do so well, X is for Excited (I wish I could spell!) Y is for Yelling Yippee and Yikes! Z is for Zipping around on my bike. ABCDEFG HIJKLMNOP QRS TUV WX Y & Z When I say my Abc's It reminds me that it's great-really, really great It reminds me that it's great to be me.