Yamboree Queen You are the prettiest gal I've ever seen Jump down from your throne, come and sit by me, baby I'm your sweet potato man Yes I yam yes I yam Athens, Texas has a Black-Eyed Pea Queen I suppose Brussels has a Brussel Sprout Queen But on down in Gilmer we make sweet potato pie And it will really knock you out So I'm going down to Gilmer if I have to walk I'm going to sweet talk that sweet thing With my sweet potato talk And before the night is over I'm gonna have me some sweet potato pie yes I yam Now the Buckeye Band is playing on the square To the strains of Sweet Adeline And I'm going back for just one more helping of That sweet potato pie (mighty fine!) And the Yamboree Queen She's sitting right next to me We're like two sweet potatoes sitting on a vine And I'm gonna make her my sweet potato wife And she's gonna make me sweet potato pie all the time