I seem to have lost my patience Waiting for the clouds of dust the custom cutters bring The foreman called to say he would be here any day With his convoy of threshing machines Now what would make a man make a promise he can't keep? A custom cutter crew could clear this harvest in a week While me on my John Deere would take more than a year To lay down this harvest of winter wheat Winter, winter wheat The grain is groaning on the stem When the custom cutter comes and the harvest is in Perhaps I'll find my patience again I allow as how I have my own frustrations I was counting on this crop to lay my mortgage down And I admit that there's a limit to my patience But damn it all to hell, they should have been here by now It's a hundred days preparing the fields And it's a million seeds you sow and scare a thousand hungry crows But when the harvest moon is in it takes just one cold rainy day To watch it all get washed away