Amidst a mob of madmen she stood frightened and alone As hate-filled voices hissed at Him that she now she must be stoned. But in the air around Him hung a vast and wordless love Who knows what luminous lesson He was in the middle of At first He faced the fury of their self righteous scorn But then He stooped and at once became the calm eye of the storm It was His wordless answer to their dark and cruel demand A lifetime in a moment as He scribbled in the sand It was silence. It was music It was art. It was absurd He stooped and shouted volumes Without saying one single word It was the finger of the hand That had written ten commands That now was simply scribbling in the sand Within the space of space and time he'd scribbled in the sand They came to hear and see as much as they could understand Now bound by cords of kindness they couldn't cast a single stone And Jesus and the woman found that they were all alone Could that same Finger come and trace on my soul's sacred sand And make some unexpected space where I could understand That my own condemnation pierced and broke the gentle Hand That scratched the words I'll never know That scribbled in the sand