Out of howling of prophets And curses of the righteous In the ivory halls A new kind of champion is bred Herostrates for the modern day High on good conscience A noblest of sufferers On disinformation highway At the end of the day it's the same old script Do you believe in victory or do you hail defeat Those finaglers of justice Expert wrights in deceit Carvers of the crooked timber And their finely tuned farce Proclaiming anger and rage Under the mortal threat it thrives At the end of the day it's the same old script Do you believe in victory or do you hail defeat Ersatz revolt Ersatz rebellion For a new world would come Every once in a while Purer, brighter, clearer, better And the last of misbelievers Will be trampled in the greatest of marches Toward the radiant future Where sheep are promised fangs And only after the graves are filled With remains of dissidents And the frame of reference is torched Together with forbidden thoughts Then, and only then The disciple is relieved The true believer has overcome the evils Of engineering of dissent At the bottom of things it's the same old script Do you believe in victory or do you hail defeat Ersatz revolt Ersatz rebellion For a new world would come Every once in a while Purer, brighter, clearer, better Ersatz purpose Ersatz alliance Ersatz ideals Ersatz communion