Stitch up the nets but the patch won't stay As the nail beds rest in the calico hay The Fiji Mermaid dressed in macrame's Wading road in the fork and a bend In the spoon tern cut short as a shadow at noon Melting like wax as that once full moon's Now waning ersatz acts an insufferable bore 'Sharp Shots' dull as a harlequin's sword When doing as you please doesn't please you anymore Stick of the match as the paraffin show Drop a nickel to watch the asparagus grow 'The stone in what shell?' You sure like to know now don't you? A loom in the heir as the medicine came To the nest of the mare of the mystery claims But you'll miss having someone to blame For your sadness, now won't you? Well maybe there'll be a bakery hiring We'll knead a little dough to get by (Groan!) Did you come knocking on my door Or did I come to yours? Whose ship came washed up on whose shore? And from what ocean floor? There wasn't much to her dress and I felt stuck in my body like a horse in quicksand... Didn't you come knocking on my door?