Self-deception, shadows are forming Copenhagen, Saturday morning 1577, there was born a king of Architectural passion, conqueror and artist Placed in dire peril, he would soon be victor By his hands the land was flourshing All I do is run tonight Even twice as sweet, but half as bright I did not intend to impersonate a friend If I didn't know my luck Listen to the clock's las ticking tock I shall ascend at last Like a question never asked Does he not see the calm foreboding sea reflecting? She who he has forsaken, queen Anna All I do is run tonight Even twice as sweet but half as bright I did not intend to impersonate a friend I could not remain your friend Lest it would have made a difference then Could it possibly? Well, no, thanks to you and me In the water he could not see her His disorder made their love splinter fast All I do is run tonight Even twice as sweet but half as bright I did not intend to impersonate a friend If I didn't know my luck Listen to the clock's las ticking tock I shall ascend at last Like a question never asked Far away, moving faster everyday Though I did not lose myself I was hurt and overwhelmed Once again we're triumphant in the end There'll be tears to from a lake Even kings can make mistakes.