Somebody said it would be easier Go a little easy on me, sir Somebody said you don't need to know You are not serviced to want far away But to know what's far away Is to find it, find it hard to wait Sighing, I'm nervous, awake in the dark A fire in the gut, I will not sleep at all tonight Who would not sympathise with a wrecking ball? Or the diethylamide Through blood and tears I made I promise not to stop 'Til my empty is full cup Somebody sent for relief from God Dire answers of the ways Prove life on demands A fool can't sit with his arms crossed And look scared tonight Sign of the times, find yourself a gun Who's ransom can it bore you If I listen, what you said Keeps me right by your side Slow down with the force Gardens in the roots here in my bones But come fast and do it now In constant flow And give for an Incan town A sword dipped in time Who will remember my entire life?