Come on come on come on come on come on Let's let's drop let's drop the F-bomb (x4) The bomb I'm advocating isn't F-U-C-K, NO WAY! That sad sorry word was played out day fore yesterday So what's the naughty word that sends the men folk into fits? Say it with me ladies, it's the F-bomb FEMINIST Now some of you ladies say "I'm not one of them" that's for dykes and ugly girls, the ones who can't get men I suggest that all you all change your attitude If it weren't for feminists, us ladies would be screwed Come on come on come on come on come on Let's let's drop let's drop the F-bomb (x2) He says I don't know how to tell you but I think the condom broke Do you wanna have that baby, no I know in fact you don't Well girl you don't have to and who's to thank for this? While you're chillin' baby free go thank a feminist! You don't have to stay at home and cook and clean for finks You're an independent lady making lots of your own bling If you had to stay at home I know you would be pissed So while you're on your way to work go thank a feminist! Come on come on come on come on come on Let's let's drop let's drop the F-bomb (x2) Title 9 and voting, equal pay for equal work The right not to be raped just cause you're married to the jerk All these rights and many more too numerous to list Belong to us, ladies, courtesy of feminists Come on you know you're one of us, no matter what you call it Cause those feminists you're down on did us all a solid So grab your girlfriends, sisters, and bring along your moms Join the revolution and start dropping those F-Bombs bombs away, bombs away, bombs away, bombs away (x 4) Come on come on come on come on come on Let's let's drop let's drop the F-bomb (x4)