Don't know where we are going Don't know how it all will end All along, we stick to our path Maybe one day I will understand I see before my eyes a haze made of green Places of fury that I've never seen I bath in my freedom that's recently given I paid for my sins and now I'm forgiven But oh, this rolling thunder Burns my heart, fills me with pain And before I lay myself down I wonder If I'll ever wake up again As I stare at a clear blue sky While hot summer air penetrates my black shirt A swallow is diving, risking it's life Yet how fragile they always survive But oh, this rolling thunder Burns my heart, fills me with pain And before I lay myself down I wonder If I'll ever wake up again It could be described as a deep fear of dying Or living I think it's the same The decision to be or not to be a player Is essential in this worldly game But oh, this rolling thunder Burns my heart, fills me with pain And before I lay myself down I wonder If I'll ever wake up again As a new daylight peaks through the window of dawning I fill up my senses