Melancholy Pessimism

Bloody Killer Trend

Melancholy Pessimism

We like movie stars, 
we adore also sportsmen, 
models and pop singers. 
The trend where slayers 
are like idols is here too 
Mesmerized with the scent of blood, 
searching for pictures and 
articles of our idols... 
MIchael Jackson , Stallone 
and among them Charles Manson 
or Richard Ramirez. 

Bloody killer trend 
so love your beast. 
Mass murder trend 
who killed more and who is the best? 

One sings about murders, 
second man perfoms killers 
but a serious assassin kills 
with no remorse and dissimulation. 
They don't draw any royalties 
but they are celebrated like 
TV stars.