
You Me Accepts


I tried to find another mate,
away from thy presence;
I tried to find other places
and i got lost, not knowing how to come,
was there that I might see you with open arms
telling me he loved me and still wanted me ,
and would wait for me, regardless of time pass.

Thou hast stretched forth his hands and took me out of darkness,
bring me back to life as never imagined living,
a new life, a new woman.

you accepted me back, again
do not care how many times I was wrong,
nor cares how many times I have fallen.
You hold me again,
no matter my faults,
regardless of my mistakes,
you accepted me.

And now, in your home, wrapped in your arms,
I feel your support and your affection, and pray, and cry,
urging them to never leave me alone
I pray that nothing can keep me away from you again,
I start to realize how much time I lost,
with delusions and hates, far from thee,
but now I believe, and that my faith tells me that
I'm with you till the end, as I exist.

you accepted me back, again
do not care how many times I was wrong,
nor cares how many times I have fallen.
You hold me again,
no matter my faults,
regardless of my mistakes,
you accepted me.