Wading through the oceans of minced dreams while they puke some little pieces of surreal truth to feed the stupid crowd the endless kiss of him that made them proud so the rigid lens gives you the perfect view into the heated heart of bloody polished steel and as they started dancing (on mutilated humanity) you can hear them paying homage to their unknown fear see what we have given you see what we can do for you we just do what we are told we must do what we are told for religion we are sold we just do what we are told for religion we are sold all we touch is dead and cold and while they exorcise what they believe always flagging honour and justice vindication for their blinded greed so that you can play the innocent cause you learned how to behave in a virtuell world that's full of mutilated dreams and as they start their dancing (on mutilated humanity) you can hear them paying homage to their unknown fear see what we can give for you see what we have done for you all we have is here before you accept our lives we must implore you