Behold the King of eternal ages Who dared to dream to redeem creation The mystery that is unfolded Revelation of the one named Holy The risk He took to commit His love Scoffed and mared and lifted up Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb of God When cries were heard from Zion's hill When the final drop of blood was spilt The Son of man was crucified And the light of life failed to shine But tears transformed to highest praise Behold the King risen from the grave Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb of God The scroll of God, who could take? It's seven seals, who could break? Thrown a seat there is none higher Than He who reigns with eyes of fire But in the midst there stood a Lamb Worthy, slain, and coming again Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb of God Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb of God Worthy is the Lamb of God Worthy is the Lamb of God