New York City, Hollywood, Philadelphia, New Orleans Cincinatti, San Francisco, Detroit City, Albuquerque Reno, Tuscon, Dallas, El Paso Tulsa, Vegas, Denver, Seattle Tonight we stole the keys to the city Your town is mine, I'm coming through We'll light a fire underneath your sky Tomorrow takes us someplace new Cleveland, Charlotte, Columbus, Salt Lake City San Diego, Syracuse, San Jose, Talahassee Nashville, Houston, Portland, Knoxville Phoenix, Raleigh, Oakland, Mobile Providence, Washington, Baltimore, Austin Lafayette, Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Boston Nova York, Hollywood, Filadélfia, Nova Orleans Cincinnati, São Francisco, Detroit City, Albuquerque Reno, Tuscon, El Paso Tulsa, Vegas, Denver, Seattle Hoje à noite nós roubamos as chaves da cidade Sua cidade é minha, eu estou chegando Vamos acender um fogo debaixo de seu céu Amanhã nos leva a algum lugar novo Cleveland, Charlotte, Columbus, Salt Lake City São Diego, Syracuse, São Jose, Talahassee Nashville, Houston, Portland, Knoxville Phoenix, Raleigh, Oakland, Mobile Providence, Washington, Baltimore, Austin Lafayette, Atlanta, Los Angeles e Boston