For this bread to eat, for that floor to sleep The certificate to be born, and the granting to smile For letting me breathe, let me be God bless you For the pleasure of crying and the "we are there" For the joke at the bar and football to applaud A crime for comment and a samba to distract God bless you On this beach, this skirt, the women here Love shoddy quickly shave and from On the sunday that is beautiful, novel, comic and mass God bless you Rum by grace that we have to swallow By smoke, unfortunately, we have to cough By scaffolding, pendants, we have to fall On another day, agony, to support and assist By grinding of the teeth, the town buzzing And the cry demented that helps us escape The woman mourner for the praise and spit And the flies and maggots to kiss cover And for the ultimate peace that will finally redeem us God bless you.