Geah In the house for the 94 shot Eihthype in the house, uh Half ounce in the house Compton bomb, compton bomb Geah West side nigga You know what's happenin' Get ready for the funky ass shit >from the muthafucka that just don't quit Guarantee the rag top the trunks on the bitches Makin' niggas lock up they low-rider switches uh Step aside as I bail on my ride Too close on my jock get bucked with the glock The whole world turns as I bail in the room Niggas prepare to get slapped with the boom ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Got more sacks than my man richard d Can't get it nowhere for the west fool Fuck around with the stress and that ain't cool You can't handle my shit when it's smokin' One mo' big ass hittin' and start choking You can't handle this son so pass it quick Damn I'm starting to see your mind playing tricks Geah homie say it's much, too much Just say you can't touch The compton bomb Compton bomb, the compton bomb...