The bread Your body
The wine Your blood
Sweet communion 
You set a table for us 
The crucified Jesus
No greater love
Than the bread Your body 
Than the wine Your blood

Oh, we will remember 
Oh Jesus Jesus our Savior 
Oh just to know You in Your suffering 
Just to get is closer than we’ve ever been 
Oh, we will remember

The holes in Your hand 
The wound in Your side 
Thirty nine lashes 
Brought me back to life 
Before resurrection 
There was a grave 
In hell there was a battle 
And my life was saved 

Oh, we will remember 
Oh, Jesus our Savior 
Oh just to know You in Your suffering 
Just to get me closer than I’ve ever been 
Oh, we will remember

This is our Savior 
Look at Him, look at Him 
Our Christ Redeemer 
Look at Him, (would you) look at Him 

Oh, we will remember 
Oh, Jesus our Savior 
Oh just to know You in Your suffering 
Just to get me closer than I’ve ever been 
Oh, we will remember