morning light paces the fog and cuts through my window like laughter into sorrow makes the movement and stir into the day this is nothing more than just tomorrow it's still here it didn't go away but I guess that it's okay cause I can wait a little while longer been talking all my life dancing in the dark with lot's wife you know that thorn in your side can always make you stronger it's no use we have no excuse for turning fear into laughter this is the end in my soul I will send maybe I'll see you in the ever after this mind is dangerous and gives strength to the fury of these hands that mark the truth and pain this is a song in vain so I will make my stand whispering in the dark would you believe me if I told you that the stories were true would you believe me if I told you that the whole world was blue would you believe me if I told you that I was wrong would you believe me if I told you this was a song about love just a little crazy song about love when you are alone in your room you can think of me and I will think of you and somehow we will all be remembered maybe you can think about all the times you said the word 'never' you can feel it in the wind you can feel me coming down over the mountain and I will get and put this one away I will put this one away standing on the curb rain running down his jacket humming softly to the beating of the drum inside his chest a contradicting fool a trick he learned in high school he always hurts the ones he loves the best and I have been told that every day in the sun is a good day and I will put this one away I will put this one away I'm gonna put this one away-ac