Matt Skiba


Matt Skiba

I found another letter 
This one was not much better 
From a girl so long agaon 
A girl I used to know in Reno 
Yea things they kinda happened 
But I flunked her test 
Or something 
Punk rock cured my misery 
She said it ruined her and me 

Back in the day 
We played in 1981 
What's done is done 
I thought 
In 1981 I should explain the chorus 

There was no future for us 
She made life feel ok 
We hung out every day 
Then things got kinda creepy 
She started getting weepy 
Our things grew really odd 
As soon as she found God 

She moved to Sacramento 
Gave back all my mementos 
Stood there and watched her go 
Stayed with my band in Skeeno 
We tried to keep things friendly 
So hard when things have ended 
Punk rock blamed for our decline 
she said it ruined her and mine