Crank up the volume, Turn up the speakers Tonight we’re playing, Follow the lider. I’m the commander (ohh) You are the stepper (whooa), We’re celebrating, Like a fiesta We’re dancing the Rumba, merengue y salsa, The rythym took over, And then she came Closer, closer, cl-closer We dance the night Over, over and over, That’s when I told ever I like you just the way You are, I see you Stearin’ from afar… I like, you like Me gusta, te guta. In you I got a crush, and I’m not trynna make you Rush but… I like, you like Me gusta, te gusta, Alright… Whoo, Me gusta, te gusta Alright. They music has ’em, The way you’ve keeping, You clapping, feed Something, hey, your Body shaking Feel like we’re dancing, Up on a cloud, It's just you and I, Don`t see no crowd. We’re dancing El mambo, la samba y El tango, The rhythm took over, And then she came Closer, closer, cl-closer. Whe dance the night Over, over and over, That’s when I told her… I like you just the way You are, I see you Stearin’ from afar… I like, you like Me gusta, te gusta. In you I got a crush, and I’m not trynna make you Rush but… I like, you like Me gusta, te gusta. Alright… Whoo, Me gusta, te gusta, Alright. My ladies in the place Say: me gusta, te gusta. And all my fellas round The way say: me gusta, te gusta. Said all my ladies in the place say: me gusta, te gusta. And all my fellas round The way say: me gusta, te gusta. I like her just the way she Is, gotta claim her, she’s Not his. Got your eye, That’s her fact, Watching you, Watching me back Mira, mira que lo que, cuantos Años, what's your age? If I could stalk you while delay, Wave me over say OK, Me gusta. Woah, you don’t have to Hide, baby it’s okay, you Can say what’s on Your mind. 'cause I know, that you Like… So let’s some time I like you just the way You are, I see you Stearing from afar… I like (I like), You like (you like), Me gusta, te gusta In you I got a crush, and I’m not trynna make you Rush but… I like, you like Me gusta, te gusta. Alright. Whoo, Me gusta, te gusta Alright. You like Me gusta, te gusta Alright.