
God Of Latex Fire


God Of Latex Fire

Pathetic eyes still staring at me from icon I still admire
Reflecting my face, my cliche god, my throne of latex fire
My scornful realm of synthetic paradise

Always challenging demiurghs of worlds beyond my sight
Invincible triumphator of wars I have only dreamt of
Supreme heir of divinity repelled by heavens descent
Chosen race ancestor infertile and childless
I have dieD to redeem my race transgressing laws of my lawgiving

Pathetic eyes still stare and see beyond faces worshipping me
Expressing pain they decide to take demanding I wasn't made
Of dreams that keeps them alive of pills swollen every night
Of pure pleasure in plastic spasm of my wicked lust

You made me what I am so soon you shall pay

'hypocritical rhythm to we danse blindfolded acclaimed by jesters of affected devotion
Abhorring virtues raised by divine pawns, shattering weak wings of lightbearing descent
Scornful becomes sublime, commences the grotesque'

Too many why's

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