And I saw, that path filthy with your dream reaches the end where I gaze today And skies propped up by gallows and stakes by lightnings of blood crack bones and trees I teach by despair and unfinished life burning with anger with no tomorrow I'm timing by ticking of your hang son's flesh your brother's beheading horror by blood and sperm in a womb of your daughter I'm constructing tomorrow Because I've chosen madness to see death devouring your flesh in charming contempt as swallows your eyes and robs you from virtues to stand and behold and live through your pain I w ogniu stanie twój dom But I am able to cut off the breast which have been feeding myself You cannot see how bile is flowing from clefts of social life As sweat and screams are stinking at home beneath stars a mustiness of values W p³omieniach stanie twój dom You handle patiently pain of leprosy though wounds are bursting with pus Which into lava changes you breath and pulls a curtain of indignity Since now (as ever) only I will matter and I'll reject everything in flames Smile of not mine I'd drive into despair and distress I'll gag by a painful scream Through tenderness of violence and love of the rape I will perfect you flesh With throat wide opened I'll extol a peace Peace of burning world Slime is merging into stench of you a larvae has grown to become your heart The end is so near the end I will make your future so close future I will destroy Through tenderness of violence and love of the rape I will perfect you flesh With throat wide opened I will extol a peace peace of burning banners of man I will always see the last breath of life of faces so far untouched by flames I will be always seeking your eyesight in spasms of fear when you naked become And the future with purulent tongue won't tell you anything Beyond smoke of horizons and smoke of your house Through tenderness of violence and love of the rape I will perfect you flesh With throat wide opened I will extol a peace peace of burning world Slime is merging into stench of you a larvae has grown to become your heart The end is so near the end I will make your future so close future I will destroy End I create Future I destroy