I must be close to my destiny, extremely close to my victory Cause Here come, trials, troubles, jealousy and envy I must be close to what You have for me Must be close to my overflow Extremely close to my miracle Cause Here comes confusion, problems and enemies I just believe that I am close to what You have for me To whom much is given so much is require, to be qualified I must go through fire but I won’t smell like smoke I’ll be better than before His guidance is here just to let me know that I must be close While walking out the steps You have planned for me Living by faith a bright future I see I won’t be swayed by the obstacle that I face My victory is secured if I stay in the race That why I believe I must be close to what You have for me I’ll go thru it 'cause know that I must be close to it As long as You're with me I'll get thru it I know that I must be close to it As long as You’re with me I'll push thru it I know that I must be close