Marty Haugen

Psalm 16 You Will Show Me The Path Of Life

Marty Haugen

Tom: Dm

Dm                   A7             Dm                  C
You will show me the path of life, you, my hope and my shelter
F                   A7                   Dm   Gm6   A7      A/D Dm
In your presence is endless joy, at your side is my home for-ev-er. [To verses]

[Refrain 2]
Dm              A7          Dm Gm6  A7 Dm
Keep me safe, O God, I take re-fuge in you. [To verses]

[Refrain 3]
 Dm          A7           Dm
You are my inheritance, O Lord. [To verses]

[Verse 1]
A7               Dm          C
Faithful God, I look to you, you alone my life and
F         A7                   Dm
fortune, never shall I look to other gods,
Gm6             A             Gm6            A7
you shall be my one hope.

[Verse 2]
A7                     Dm        C
From of old you are my heritage, you my wisdom and my
F        A7                             Dm
safety, through the night you speak within my heart,
Gm6          A             Gm6            A7
silently you teach me.

[Verse 3]
A7                 Dm           C
So my heart shall sing for joy, in your arms I rest se-
F        A7                  Dm
curely, you will not abandon me to death,
Gm6              A             Gm6            A7
you shall not de-sert me.