Pipe and slippers by the open fire Lace curtains and a tumble dryer We were dancing to the slow decay And labour-saving devices stole her heart away I couldn't bear to leave the quadruped But home was just a place to hang my head Telling lies is such a meagre sin So if I make it up to heaven, let me in I'm only aiming for the heart of life I've gotta rip the hot flesh and take a bite Ooh, holding my head and squeezing out the light Until the knuckles in my hands were white I'm only aiming for the heart of life Seven hours on a crowded plane I was in it up to my neck again Still chewing on the seed of doubt I never did like that taste in my mouth A little child who can hardly speak Could find the words to make a strong man weak I gave it all away, it seems For a seat in the back of a rented limousine I'm only aiming for the heart of life I've gotta rip the hot flesh and take a bite Ooh, holding my head and squeezing out the light Until the knuckles in my hands were white I'm only aiming for the heart of life Don't say you're gonna love me forever Though I wish it really could be so Don't give me no clichés from your scenario Forever is a long, long time I could hit forty and just lose my mind You say you're tough and you never bruise But would you wanna be standing in my shoes? When I'm old and I'm giving in Saliva trickling down my chin Lying in a bed of piss and crumbs Would you stay until the darkness comes? Too weak to hold a fork and spoon Too dumb to recognize the room Would you pull the plug and cut the juice? Free the mind if the body ain't no use I'm only aiming for the heart of life I've gotta rip the hot flesh and take a bite Ooh, holding my head and squeezing out the light Until the knuckles in my hands were white I'm only aiming for the heart of life