The unbroken blue, with its ambigous hue Quietly waiting ere imminent doom How can calmness be louder than thunderous storm Absence devour like ravenous swarm All of my life I've spent on these shores Ravishing views I've grown to abhor Gargantuan cliffs divided by streams Odious shapes that used to be dreams The shade of the sky grows darker than night Cerulean glimpses escape with the light Eerie howls raise waves from the depths Harmonized dance like eldritch breath And though so loud roars the thunder And waves they tear the shores asunder I feel certain calmness in place of the fear This stormy weather, it's shockingly dear Tuulet Tuulesta aallot Aalloista kuulen Raivon kaukaisen Raivo Raivossa kaiku Kaiussa luonto Tai ihminen Aallot Aaltoihin vaivun Vaivun syvyyksiin Ja pimeyteen Pimeys Pimeyden rauha Rauhassa kaipuu Tyhjyyteen The day and the night blend as one And waves have now eclipsed the Sun I'm becoming one with the yore On my deathbed, the ocean floor A mydriad bodies near me Poor and rich, unable to flee Some tried to ride with the waves While the rest plunged to their graves