Lady! So many nights he was Hoping If you're feeling just the Same thing that he's Feeling for you Now he knows that you do 'cause you told him yesterday ... He's depending on the words you say And Flower! What will your friends say? My flower Now the time has come When you just better Make up your mind Do you love him then shine Don't believe in what they say If they're friends they love you anyway Flower If you love him say his name You can make him feel the same Oh you're the deep sleep That he needs Under this black moonlight Flower Take his hand and pray he knows You're his never fading rose He'll be the deep sleep Thet you need The only inspiration for all time Tell me Why do you linger? His beautiful eyes Waiting to show you're in heaven And bring you flowers If you love him ¨c love is pain If you yon't then go don't play this Game Flower If you love him say his name You can make him feel the same Oh you're the deep sleep That he needs Under this black moonlight Flower Take his hand and pray he knows You're his never fading rose He'll be the deep sleep Thet you need The only inspiration for all time