Maroon Town

2,000 Ad

Maroon Town

Let's hold a meeting, discuss a few things 
General points major upcomings 
Attitude in life are so bad let try to change them 
With a conference of the world you got your invitation 

You don't need no invitation 
You don't need no invitation 

The door is open, suit and tie is barred 
No bomb no danger don't need security guard 
It's vital to gain the upmost respect 
Those slick talking hypocrites we shall reject 
You don't need no invitation 
R.S.V.P. means nothing to me 
You don't need no invitation 
Come on in, don't care where you've been 
It could be seen as a problem we all do have them 
Ivory traders, jungle raiders 
The law is not above them 
But we still persist in purchasing something that can end an existence 
The future of the noble beast you know it has no distance 

You don't need no invitation 
R.S.V.P. means nothing to me 
You don't need no invitation 
Come on in, don't care where you've been 

In the year of the future 2,000 AD 
When better days may have been seen by you and by me 
Will the news be the same out to gun down the game 
Not even knowing the facts but still making the same claim 
Will it be the same dictators but only in disguise 
If things don't change at all it will be no surprise 
Soon after that there will be no compromise 
People will get wise 
We won't stand aside and watch life die 

You don't need no invitation 
R.S.V.P. means nothing to me 
You don't need no invitation 
Come on in, don't care where you've been 

2,000 AD better days for you and for me 
Better days for and for me