Maroon 5

The Never Saga

Maroon 5

She was at home and feeling fine
The family life it was divine
She sat alone with tired eyes
patiently listening to the sighs

I found out
I found out
She never has the time
I found out
to make his demons

They snatched her willingly she left
They wondered why she'd accepted that
She knew that she'd be saved but how
She knew that future kid was on the prowl

I found out
I found out
We could both run wild
I found out
me and future's child

I found out
I found out
We could both run wild
I found out
Me and future's child
I found out
Never's far too long
for me to sing this song

Ela estava em casa e se sentindo bem
A vida da família era divina
Ela sentou sozinha com olhos cansados
Ouvindo pacientemente os sinais

Ela nunca teve tempo
Para tornar seus demônios

Eles arrancaram-na, de boa vontade ela saiu
Eles se perguntaram por que ela aceitou aquilo
Ela sabia que tinha sido salva, mas como?
Ela sabia que a futura criança estava à espreita

Poderíamos correr selvagens
Eu e a futura criança

Poderíamos correr selvagens
Eu e a futura criança
Nunca é tarde demais
Para cantar essa musica