Mark Of Cain


Mark Of Cain

Scan the horizon as the clouds shroud the scene
The label of murderer seems a little too obscene
Stabbed in the back by the hand of society
Abandoned all hope, love, and my sobriety
Searching for a fix to curve my body's lust
I stalk a young lady, so lovely and robust

Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die
Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die

Look what you have done world
See what is now on your head

She will never know what I have done to her
For I am the trifecta, Judge, Jury, Executioner
I told her I was a stranger, she should watch out for my type
Little did she know, tonight would be her last night

Razor eaten flesh is the canvas for my art
I slice and I dice until I've carved out the heart
She was a victim of the rage I have for this world
All I did was walk until I found the first girl
Her body lay dead, just another useless stat
Beaten and bloody like an unwanted sewer rat

Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die
Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die

Look what you've done world
See what is now on your head