Honey there's a funny feeling 'round my heart And it's bound to drive your momma wild It might be something they call the Cupid Dart It's from your momma's angel child I went to see the doctor the other day He said I was well as well could be But I said doctor you don't know Really what's worrying me I want to be somebody's baby doll To get my loving all the time I want to be somebody's baby doll To ease my mind Now, He can be ugly He can be mad As long as he can evil rock and ball the jack I want to be somebody's baby doll To get my loving all the time To get my loving all the time Lord I went to the Gipsy To get my fortune told She said you're in hard luck Jojo Dog gone your bad luck soul I want to be somebody's baby doll To get my loving all the time Won't somebody help me To get my loving all the time Won't somebody help me To get my loving all the time