I can feel you, I can feel you baby Smirking in the shadows and hopin' that I fall I remember when you loved me baby I let you play the brave, you made me feel so small Well we're still fightin' through the same world You can tempt and try to coax me, I will never be your girl again Walk that walk till you drop, cock your head and wear a crown But you can't pull the wool down over the little lamb's eyes You have no fear of failure You got the mirror baby, you got a good tailor You have no fear, you're not like everyone You're not afraid of losin' or of being left alone That suit you're stuck in fits you to a tee But you're waltzin' 'round a land mine if you think you're bluffin' me Mumble through your cigarette, sympathize with every breath But you can't pull the wool down over the little lamb's eyes Listen You say you know how it feels baby but you don't know what it's like And you can't pull the wool down over the little lamb's eyes I've learned a little bit about being hard I can see you, I can see you baby Ever poised for some eternal snapshot Well I know you, you needn't worry baby I won't blow your cover, I'll tell 'em what you got Well I know you, I know you baby I won't blow your cover, don't sweat it out You can't pull the wool down over the little lamb's eyes No you can't... You wanna watch me bleed You've come to pick the bones clean But you can't bullly me You better watch what you do...yeah