Karnage! Torn the hypocrites bible Molest! Desecrate the horny nun! Beheaded the pig’s head monk! Exterminate christianity! I am the antichrist! Repudiate the bastard religions Nasrani malodorous pigs With pleasure I’ll kill them all! Satan! Molestation the nun! Sodomize the pukimak priest! Impurity notorious beast Irresistible hellfernal evil! Profane! Profanation wicked! Disobey the gods rules! Blasphemy! I’m the blasphemer! Ferociously decapitated kristians! Flagellation godmother of Christ! Demonic satanic perversity 666! The number of the beast! Buried them under the goat shit! Repeat chorus Kill them!! Slay them! Rape them!! Spit at them! Take your gun and shoot them all No mercy!! Just kill them all! Bloodshed everyway! Never stop this sadistic madness!