Manic Street Preachers

Lets Go To War

Manic Street Preachers

Tom: C#m

                         Let's Go to War - Manic Street Preachers

Dead simple song to play, with the main riff played during the intro and
choruses, and the chords during the verses, with the 3rd riff also played in
verse 3.


Main riff:
  Am           Ab
E|------------------------------| |
B|------------------------------| |
G|------------------------------| |
D|------------------------------| |
A|-7-7-6-4------------3-4-6-4-6-| |
E|---------7-5~---4-6-----------| |

Bridge at end of verse 2:
E|------------| |
B|------------| |
G|------------| |
D|------------| |
A|---6---6-3~-| |
E|-4---4------| |

Riff during verse 3:
  Am            Ab
E|---------------------------| |
B|---------5-------------4---| |
G|-------5---5---------5---5-| |
D|-----7-------------6-------| |
A|---7-------------6---------| |
E|-5-------------4-----------| |