DON QUIXOTE (courteously, but without recognition.) Now then. What is it you want? ALDONZA Don't you know me? DON QUIXOTE Should I? ALDONZA I am Aldonza! DON QUIXOTE I'm sorry. I do not recall anyone of that name. ALDONZA Sancho knows. Please, my Lord. DON QUIXOTE Why did you say "my lord"? I am not a lord. ALDONZA You are my lord, Don Quixote! DON QUIXOTE Don Quixote? You must forgive me, I have been ill... I'm confused by shadows. It is possible I knew you once, but I do not remember ALDONZA Please! Try to remember! DON QUIXOTE Is it so important? ALDONZA Everything. My whole life. You spoke to me and everything was... different! DON QUIXOTE I spoke to you? ALDONZA And you looked at me! A nd you called me by another name!