Plutonium is a business, The business people say. A cupful of Plutonium Could sweep the world away. But atom plants are business With Plutonium on the side, And business will keep going Although all the world has died. Chorus: Make way for business, They go where they will go. If business wants Plutonium, Who's going to say them no. The AEC announces A Pluto-economy, Plutonium on railroad cars And on the ships at sea. Railroad cars they jump the tracks And freighters they collide, And business will keep going Although all the world has died. (Chorus) There never was Plutonium Since all the world began, But now it's a by-product Of the cleverness of Man. Half-life twenty thousand years And there's no place to hide, And business will keep going Although all the world has died. (Chorus) A whiff of that Plutonium No city can survive, But P.R. men can make it smell Like Chanel Number Five. I sing this song to warn us all While we still move around, Cause business goes the way it goes Unless we cut them down. Last Chorus: Somebody's got to stop them, Children, that's me and you. And if some of us go down fighting, If some of us go down fighting, If some of us go down fighting, That's a cleaner way to go.