We left Vancouver Saturday, The natives gave a cheer. For we'd been standing at the dock For over half a year. But now she's got her bottom clean, And looking mighty fine, With half her railing laid away And washing on the line. Chorus: What's the matter with Echo? Not a single thing, Her whistle gives a lovely toot, Her bell will always ring. She steps along at seven knots To cheer a sailor's heart, And we'll reach Louisa Inlet If she doesn't fall apart. O Captain Sherry's in command, A seasoned salt is he, He left the tarpot on the dock And headed out to sea, And Allan left the steering wheel And scampered all around, To tell his daddy down below, "We nearly ran aground!" We thundered out of Stanley Park Before the morning came. The cooks and crew were all asleep But that was all the same. The natives watched in reverent awe, They all were stricken dumb, The mosquitos and teretas shouted, "Fellow, here they come!" (Chorus) We ambled into Buccaneer, The engine coughed and died, The Nor'west wind began to blow, It was a running tide, And Paul he tied the rowboat on And pulled her from the land, With seven captains on the bridge And all were in command. The Echo is a noble ship As all Canadians know, She used to be an oil barge But that was years ago. They built a handsome superdeck To heighten all our joys, With a galley and a main saloon, And room for gulls and buoys. (Chorus) There was Diesel in the water And the stores were getting thin, The Shangri-La she volunteered To take the steward in, She brought us back the groceries, And mighty glad were we And Helen manned the motor boat Without her lingerie. O Marilyn's in the galley A-mixing cookie dough, And Harriet runs the dishpan And Sherry's down below, While Steve and Allan pole the raft And Mal is cooking stew, And Bud is in the wheelhouse A-cussing out the crew. (Chorus) It was a lovely morning, The sea was smooth as glass, The seagulls circled round about To see the Echo pass, And everyone was at his post While Allan baked a cake, And Mal and Paula in the stern Strewed garbage in the wake. The compass was a little off, The charts were out of date, The Engineer he wasn't sure If we made six or eight, We had to get to Pender Before the end of day, So we hailed a passing salad boat To point us out the way. (Chorus) Our boat she thumps and bumps along As graceful as a bird, She is the pride of Puget and She's called the Echo Third. We give three cheers for everything, The echoes give reply, And so she's called the Echo III And that's the reason why. We had a consultation Aboard our little boat, We needed milk for all the kids And should we keep a goat? We'd ring a bell to milk her, Another bell to feed, And she'd serve us for a foghorn Whenever there was need. (Chorus) We tied our boat at Malibu North To see its beauties rare. The place was built for ritzy folk But they are otherwhere, We saw a northland Hollywood So grand and so absurd, And vowed that we had rather be Aboard the Echo Third. And when we reached the oyster beds We quickly hied ashore, And filled our buckets and our sacks With more and more and more. A noble food, we ate them stewed We ate them cooked and live, And I hope I never see another Till 1955. (Chorus) We all went out a-fishing But still we dined on meat Cause all we caught were shiners And they're not much to eat. But Helen in the galley Concocted noble fare Of bully beef and powdered milk And healthy mountain air. The men all went a-fishing, They paddled all about, They set their bait for salmon, They cast their lines for trout, And Harriet in her solitude Heard a terrific din; "Marilyn's caught a 10 pound cod On a bended pin!" (Chorus) We saw a pretty waterfall A dimpling down the rock, And Bud he took the motor boat And tied it to the dock, He took that little waterfall And stowed it safe away And took it out in far Lucerne1 To grow the Lucerne hay. O Paula does the dog-paddle, Paul he swims the mile, Sherry swam the Hellespont To win a lady's smile, Mal she has the wherewithal To keep her well afloat, But the greatest swimmer of them all Is Echo III the boat. (Chorus) Upon the point at Hamiltaire, Where every vessel clears, There stands an ancient totem That's weathered with the years, And when you near this landmark From the leeward side, You see that it is Uncle Bud A-watching of the tide. Oh have you seen the Echo? She passed along this way. She has a crew of water tramps, Her color's black and gray. She isn't quite a camp-boat, She's surely not a yacht, The seagulls wheel around her top And whistle, "What is that?" (Chorus) O Bud he made a crab-trap To pick us up a meal, He made it out of chicken wire And a rusty wheel, The skipper of the Spindrift Declared it had been made By a scavenger by nature And a carpenter by trade. "O have you seen my waterfall?" Said genial Mr. Mac, "The Lord gave me the waterfall And didn't take it back. Oh some may boast a fine estate And some may sport a crown, But just give me a mountain With a river falling down." (Chorus) We heard a plaintive melody, Arising from below. "What seems to be the trouble, Mal, What makes you holler so!" "With all the world of scenery A-passing grandly by, I'm down here in the galley-o With onion in my eye." O give a cheer for Canada Where Echo has her berth, Her scenery so wonderful Her food of honest worth, Her fair and gentle women Her sturdy workingmen, Whenever I think of Canada I'll want to come again. (Chorus) What's the matter with Echo? Not a single thing. Her whistle gives a lovely toot, Her bell will always ring, We'll sail her round about the sound Till all her stores are gone, And she'll get back to Vancouver With her rudder hanging on.