In the Alameda Mountains It's always sunny, And when it's raining You don't get wet, And if you want money Just ask your honey, Cause what you ask for Is what you get. In the Alameda Mountains, I long to go there, Where all the folks wear A smiling face, In the Alameda Mountains, In the Alameda Mountains, In the Alameda Mountains, There's no such place. Oh, the people are friendly, And they're glad to see you, And they say, "How be you!" And they call you "Dear," But if you want to be alone there, It's easily done there, You just say, "Shoo fly!" And they disappear. In the Alameda Mountains There's music ringing, If you start singing, You're right on key. But if you want silence, There's lovely islands Without a radio Or a T.V. In the Alameda Mountains, They never worry, They never hurry To get somewhere. They're never speedin' To find their Eden, Cause as for Eden, They're already there. In the Alameda Mountains They take life easy, Cause everything's breezy, And nothing's wrong. Tho their voices are gravelly, They all sound lovely, And they're always singing This little song. Last Chorus: In the Alameda Mountains, I long to go there, Where all the folks wear A smiling face, In the Alameda Mountains, In the Alameda Mountains, In the Alameda Mountains, We'll find that place.