Malvina Reynolds

Dead Hand at the Tiller

Malvina Reynolds

There's a dead hand at the tiller of this ship, 
There's a dead hand at the tiller of this ship.
The man up there, you think he steers,
But he's been dead for a thousand years,
There's a dead hand at the tiller of this ship. 

There's a dead hand at the tiller of this ship, 
There's a dead hand at the tiller of this ship. 
There is a man upon the bridge, 
But he don't know what time it is, 
There's a dead hand at the tiller of this ship. 

There's a dead hand at the tiller of this ship, 
There's a dead hand at the tiller of this ship. 
Don't know the time, don't see the clocks 
And we are headed for the rocks,
There's a dead hand at the tiller of this ship.

There's a dead hand at the tiller of this ship, 
There's a dead hand at the tiller of this ship. 
Go grab the wheel and pull her round 
Or we will all be dead and drowned, 
There's a dead hand at the tiller of this ship.

There's a dead hand at the tiller of this ship, 
There's a dead hand at the tiller of this ship.
The man up there, you think he steers, 
But he's been dead for a thousand years, 
There's a dead hand at the tiller of this ship.