Take your wife and daughters, Then you will be banished to the Kingdom of Tshatogua, So will fall rains of sulfur that will wash Sodom And two archangels fall from the heaven: The Ecstasy and the Incest, In your home the damned old master impaler Afterwards, he will burn and will sell your skins Are the archangels made of flesh? Are the ruins made to the eternity? Is the statue of salt sweet as honey? Madelaine in the paradise of my pleasure It\'s cold as the death Transcendental intense ardor She has the equilibrium of the insanity In your mansion rise the Armmagedom In the sacred hill the blessed orgies and psychotropic teas in consumption, Impure nights, The old master fuck the wife Madelaine and your daughters, Mediocre\'s children Blind divine archangels, They\'re violated In the sacred mixture of semen and sulphur, Sacred existence destroyed, Andromeda in cancer Toy of the pure eclipse Humans destroyed, archangels destroyed.